Unpleasant experience is the reason 69% of customers surveyed via Temkin recent survey said they will be changing their bank soon. While 60% of companies boast of offering efficient mobile experiences however, only 22% of their customers agreed, Qualtrics report stated. Furthermore, accenture report estimated about $1.6 trillion lost as customers switch to competitors due to poor customer experience.
6 key Strategies firms can adopt include:
1. Have a dynamic customer experience (CX) plan
The continuous assessment of your customer experience will help to identify gaps that need to be filled and strategies that need to be put in place to give your enterprise a competitive advantage. Being able to identify your company’s CX long term and short goals, applying transformational strategies (like below) and reviewing as you go along, will ensure an effective CX plan.
2. Proactively engaging with customers
Make every customer feel valued by paying attention to their comments and concerns. This may require conducting periodic surveys to identify customer dissatisfaction for immediate action, thereby finding out their concerns and responding according. Also, integrating engagement tools, like AI chatbots and JDelivery into your business system will help to transform your CX landscape.
3. Make Security a key priority
Customers expect businesses to make concerted efforts to protect their data and meet regulatory compliance which is a precursor to earning their trust and loyalty. When your customers are aware that you make security a key priority of your business, they will be confident in your services.
4. CX training and retraining
Having competent teams at the helm of your service delivery will impact positively on your CX. The periodic feedback obtained from customers will identify areas for improvement. Training will be required to better enhance the capacity of your staff to effectively meet the dynamic situations of CX, since they are the interface between the business and customers.
5. Innovate your products with insight
By analysing customer data and discovering patterns in customer habits and preferences, your business can better deliver value with customized products that will meet customer expectations.
6. Effective Partnership
Establishing effective partnership with the right organization will help in realizing your customer experience plan, by working with you to transform your enterprise to new levels of growth and expansion.
At DIDHub, we partner with our clients to realise their digital transformation plan and our team of highly skill professionals is here to assist.